The Effects of Band Exercise Intervention on Oswestry Disability Index and Visual Analogue Scale in Elderly Women with Chronic Low Back Pain 밴드운동 중재가 만성요통 노인여성의 허리장애지수와 주관적 통증척도에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Band Exercise Intervention on Oswestry Disability Index and Visual Analogue Scale in Elderly Women with Chronic Low Back Pain 밴드운동 중재가 만성요통 노인여성의 허리장애지수와 주관적 통증척도에 미치는 영향
이향범 Lee Hyang-beum
The purpose of this study is to clarify the influence of the band exercise arbitration on the oswestry disability index와 visual analogue scale of the elderly women with chronic low back pain in a way of providing the effective arbitration program for improvement and prevention of the back pain. In order to accomplish the purpose of this study, the elderly women with chronic low back pain residing in the G region are taken as the subject to implement the band exercise for 50∼60 minutes for 8 weeks and three times per week, and in order to clarify the influence of the band exercise arbitration on the oswestry disability index and visual analogue scale of the elderly women with chronic low back pain, the repeated measure ANOVA t-test are implemented. At this time, statistically important level is set for .05. As a result of clarifying the influence of the band exercise arbitration on the oswestry disability index and visual analogue scale of the elderly women with chronic low back pain, the oswestry disability index and visual analogue scale have shown the important interactive effect between the measurement period and groups and it is positively improved in the experiment group after the band exercise arbitration. When comprehensively taking a look at the foregoing conclusion, the band exercise uses the elasticity of the band to make the muscle function to participate in exercises without excessive burden on the elderly women with chronic low back pain with its strength to safely improve the muscle function to enable the application of the effective health management arbitration program of the elderly women with chronic low back pain.
Key Words
밴드운동, 만성요통, 노인여성, 허리장애지수, 주관적 통증척도, bend exercise, chronic low back pain, elderly women, oswestry disability index, visual analogue scale
Evaluation Indicators for Environmental Aspects of ESG in Professional Football Teams ESG 활동 영역 중 환경영역을 기반으로 한 평가지표 제시 방안: 프로축구단을 중심으로
The purpose of this study is to identify the problems and propose improvement directions for the evaluation indicators used in assessing the environmental aspects of ESG activities within professional soccer teams. By conducting an in-depth analysis of the problems associated with ESG evaluation indicators in the environmental domain of professional soccer teams from a practical perspective, and by presenting specific evaluation indicators, this study aims to contribute to enhancing the efficiency of environmental activities of professional soccer teams and fostering their mid- to long-term development. To achieve the purpose of the study, the necessity of evaluation was identified based on the activities related to the environmental domain among the ESG activities of professional soccer teams. An in-depth expert interview method was employed to address the research problems. For this study, 4 professional soccer team officials and 4 environmental experts were selected as participants. The expert interview was conducted with a 1:1 interview using a face-to-face method, and data on the environmental area during ESG activities were delivered before the interview. An open questionnaire was composed around the current status of ESG activities of the professional soccer team, and the second questionnaire was composed based on the first question.
Key Words
프로축구단 ESG, 스포츠 ESG, 환경(Environmental) 부문 평가지표, ESG 평가지표, Professional Soccer Team ESG, Evaluation Indicators, Sports ESG, Environmental Sectors ESG
Effect of Face-to-face Presence of Chest Breathing-based Matpilates on Lumbar Stabilization and Pain in Middle-aged Women with Back Pain 요통이 있는 중년 여성에게 흉곽 호흡 기반 매트 필라테스 대면 유무가 요부 안정화와 통증에 미치는 영향
Effect of Face-to-face Presence of Chest Breathing-based Matpilates on Lumbar Stabilization and Pain in Middle-aged Women with Back Pain 요통이 있는 중년 여성에게 흉곽 호흡 기반 매트 필라테스 대면 유무가 요부 안정화와 통증에 미치는 영향
박정연 Park Jung Yeon , 김영주 Kim Young Joo
This study aims to analyze the effects of chest breathing-based mat Pilates exercises on lumbar stabilization and pain relief in middle-aged women with low back pain, comparing the differences between face-to-face and non-face-to-face methods. The study involved 34 middle-aged women experiencing low back pain, who were divided into three groups: the face-to-face exercise group (FEG; n=13), the non-face-to-face exercise group (NEG; n=11), and the control group (CG; n=10). The participants performed an 8-week chest breathing-based mat Pilates exercise program. The study measured lumbar strength, physical balance ability, flexibility, pain perception (VAS), and the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) to compare the effects of face-to-face and non-face-to-face exercises. The results revealed the following: First, both the face-to-face and non-face-to-face exercise groups showed significant improvements in flexibility, pain perception (VAS), and the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) (p<.01). Second, no significant differences were found between the face-to-face and non-face-to-face groups in lumbar strength, power, endurance, or static and dynamic balance abilities. Third, both exercise methods were effective in alleviating low back pain, with the non-face-to-face method producing results comparable to the face-to-face method This study suggests that non-face-to-face Pilates exercises can be as effective as face-to-face exercises and can positively contribute to pain relief and flexibility improvement in middle-aged women.
Key Words
흉곽 호흡, 매트 필라테스, 비대면 운동, 요부 안정화, 중년 여성, Thoracic Breathing, Mat Pilates, Non-face-to-face Exercise, lumbar stabilization, Middle-aged women
A Study on the Development Process of the Seoul YWCA Swimming Program 서울YWCA 수영 프로그램의 전개 과정에 관한 연구
A Study on the Development Process of the Seoul YWCA Swimming Program 서울YWCA 수영 프로그램의 전개 과정에 관한 연구
등욱 Deng Xu , 김재우 Kim Jae-woo
This study examines the introduction, establishment, and activation process of the swimming program at the Seoul YWCA. Initially launched as part of a ‘Summer Camp’, the program began with Korea’s first swimming lessons for children using external facilities, as there were no dedicated swimming pools at that time. The program later expanded to include housewives, working women, and female students. In response to the rising issue of drowning accidents, the Seoul YWCA also introduced water safety education. In 1992, an indoor swimming pool was constructed at the Bongcheon Comprehensive Social Welfare Center, enabling the program to offer diverse courses for children, housewives, the elderly, individuals with disabilities, and pregnant women. Furthermore, in 1999 an indoor swimming pool equipped with modern facilities was built in the new building of Seoul YWCA which further activated the swimming program by offering systematic and professional swim lessons to diverse participants.
Key Words
서울YWCA, 수영 프로그램, 전개 과정, the Seoul YWCA, Swimming program, Development process
The Relationship between ESG Management Activities of Sport Organizations under the Korea Sports Council, Sport Trust, and Sport Loyalty 대한체육회 산하 종목단체의 ESG 경영활동과 종목신뢰, 종목충성도의 관계
The Relationship between ESG Management Activities of Sport Organizations under the Korea Sports Council, Sport Trust, and Sport Loyalty 대한체육회 산하 종목단체의 ESG 경영활동과 종목신뢰, 종목충성도의 관계
허진영 Huh Jinyoung
Even in the Korean sports environment, ESG management activities are confirmed as an essential practice rather than an option. In this study, we specifically analyzed the relationship between ESG management activities, sport trust, and sport loyalty of sport organizations under the Korea Sports Council. Researchers will conduct competitions for each sport, club groups, and teams from August 17 (Saturday) to September 11 (Wednesday), 2024, targeting regular member sports organizations and athletes aged 19 or older registered in the Korean Sports Council’s operating system. A survey was conducted on 300 people through in-person visits, and a total of 283 questionnaires were empirically analyzed using SPSS 23.0 and AMOS 23.0 programs. The results of the study are as follows. First, looking at the relationship between ESG management activities of sports organizations under the Korea Sports Council and stock trust, the sub-factors of ESG management activities, namely environment, governance, and society, had an influence on stock trust. Second, looking at the relationship between ESG management activities and event loyalty of sports organizations under the Korea Sports Council, the sub-factors of ESG management activities, namely society, governance structure, and environment, had an influence on event loyalty. Third, trust in the sport based on the ESG management activities of the sport organization under the Korea Sports Council had an influence on sport loyalty.
Key Words
대한체육회 산하 종목단체, ESG 경영활동, 종목신뢰, 종목 충성도, Sports organizations under the Korean Sports Council, ESG management activities, sport trust, sport loyalty
A Study on Viewing Intention of the Paris Olympics Applying the Expectation-Confirmation Model and the Technology Acceptance Model 기대확신모델과 기술수용모델을 적용한 파리올림픽 시청의도 연구
A Study on Viewing Intention of the Paris Olympics Applying the Expectation-Confirmation Model and the Technology Acceptance Model 기대확신모델과 기술수용모델을 적용한 파리올림픽 시청의도 연구
조원호 Cho Won-ho , 주형철 Joo Hyung-chul
The purpose of this study was to apply the Expectation-Confirmation Model and the Technology Acceptance Model to analyze how the perceived viewing characteristics (topicality, impulsiveness, informativeness, novelty) of Paris Olympic viewers influenced their viewing intentions. The study sought to understand how satisfaction and perceived usefulness affected viewing intentions and to identify the factors that increased viewing intentions for mega sports events. To achieve this, a convenience sampling method, one of the non-probability sampling methods, was used to distribute questionnaires to Paris Olympic viewers, and data from 302 responses were used as the final research data. SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0 were used to conduct frequency, reliability, correlation, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling. The research results were as follows: First, among the Paris Olympic viewing characteristics, only impulsiveness and informativeness positively influenced perceived usefulness. Second, confirmation positively influenced perceived usefulness. Third, confirmation positively influenced viewing satisfaction. Fourth, perceived usefulness positively influenced viewing satisfaction. Fifth, perceived usefulness positively influenced viewing intention. Sixth, viewing satisfaction positively influenced viewing intention. Through this study, it was recognized that the characteristics of the Olympics are useful in exploring the perceptions and viewing behaviors of the audience in detail.
This study utilizes news big data to derive the evolving concept and value of ‘breaking’ and, based on this, proposes strategies for global marketing and the re-selection of ‘breaking’ as an Olympic sport. The study emphasizes the need for close collaboration with the media to raise awareness of ‘breaking’ and develop strategies and institutional frameworks to promote it as a global sport. Additionally, the standardization of rules and the establishment of a fair judging system are identified as important factors. The research analyzes news data collected from BigKinds using keywords such as ‘breaking,’ ‘b-boying,’ and ‘street dance,’ focusing on the period before and after the 2018 Buenos Aires Youth Olympic Games. A comparison of 9,759 articles from 1990-2017 and 10,032 articles from 2018-2024 provides guidelines for the re-selection of ‘breaking’ as an Olympic event. In the keyword analysis, ‘b-boy,’ ‘Jay Park,’ and ‘Jinju’ were prominent before 2018, while ‘Asian Games,’ ‘b-boy,’ and ‘judge’ became key terms after 2018. The relationship analysis revealed that before 2018, ‘United States’ and ‘b-boy’ were significant, while after 2018, ‘Olympics,’ ‘national team,’ and ‘Hangzhou’ emerged as major relationships. This study examines the cultural and sporting transformation of ‘breaking’, exploring the integration of popular culture and sports, and offers foundational data for the further development of ‘breaking’. Future research should focus on sentiment analysis of news data and geographic analysis to broaden the scope of breaking-related studies on an international scale.
Key Words
빅데이터, 빅카인즈, 브레이킹, 비보잉, 스트릿댄스, Big data, Big Kinds, Breaking, B-boying, Street Dance
Analysis of Professional Baseball Issues in the 2024 Season Using Social Network Big Data 소셜네트워크 빅데이터를 활용한 2024시즌 프로야구 이슈 분석
Analysis of Professional Baseball Issues in the 2024 Season Using Social Network Big Data 소셜네트워크 빅데이터를 활용한 2024시즌 프로야구 이슈 분석
김욱기 Wook-ki Kim , 김기탁 Gi-tak Kim
This study aims to examine the interests of professional baseball fans in the 2024 season and to find out what emotions fans have about the changed viewing style due to the newly introduced regulations. In addition, the purpose is to analyze clusters of keywords with similar meanings and infer and discuss the meaning of the clusters. To this end, data was collected by entering ‘2024 professional baseball’ + regulations into the Textom program, and keyword refinement and standardization and sentiment analysis were performed using text mining techniques. The Ucinet6 program was used to visualize the results derived in this way, and CONCOR analysis was performed to examine keywords with common meanings. Looking at the results, the positive response was higher at 1,259 (70.34%) among fans’ emotional recognition, while the negative response was 543 (29.66%). As a result of the CONCOR analysis, Cluster 1 was the result of changed rules and operation methods, Cluster 2 was the result of games and professional baseball game viewing and schedule, Cluster 3 was centered on issues related to the opening game of professional baseball, and Cluster 4 was the result of the automatic judgment system. In summary, changes in rules and systems introduced for the development of professional baseball can affect the game and viewing in general, and to this end, a direction that can strengthen communication among fans, players, and umpires is required. In addition, changes in game operation methods and changed systems can affect professional baseball in general, and it is expected that this study can be helpful in development plans.
Key Words
소셜네트워크 빅데이터, Textom, 2024 프로야구, 감성분석, CONCOR 분석, Ucinet6 프로그램, Social network big data, 2024 professional baseball, sentiment analysis, CONCOR analysis, Ucinet6 program
The Effect of Presence Experience Through e-sports Participation on Immersion, Enjoyment, and Satisfaction e스포츠 참여를 통한 프레즌스 경험이 몰입, 즐거움 및 만족에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of presence experienced through participation in e-sports on immersion, enjoyment and satisfaction. A total of 411 copies were collected using the Google questionnaire program for about 6 weeks from June 1 to July 13, 2024, of which a total of 388 responses were used as analysis data, excluding 22 unfaithful copies. For a total of 388 valid samples, frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, technology analysis, and structural equation model analysis were performed using SPSS 28.0 and AMOS 23.0, and the following conclusions were drawn. First, it was found that reality, self-esteem, and subjectivity, which are sub-factors of the presence experience through participation in e-sports, had a significant effect on immersion. Second, it was found that reality, self-esteem, and subjectivity, which are sub-factors of the presence experience through participation in e-sports, had a significant effect on enjoyment. Third, it was found that reality, self-esteem, and subjectivity, which are sub-factors of the presence experience through participation in e-sports, had a significant effect on satisfaction. Fourth, it was found that the immersion of e-sports participants had a significant effect on enjoyment. Fifth, it was found that the enjoyment of e-sports participants had a significant effect on satisfaction.
Prospects and Challenges of Senior Sports in the Super-Aging Society 초고령사회 노인스포츠의 전망과 과제
배재윤 Bae Jaeyoon
The purpose of this study was to forecast the future of senior sport after the advent of the super-aged society and to derive policy implications. To this end, the opinions of experts in the fields of the super-aged society and senior sport were collected. As a result, there were positive prospects for senior sport in the super-aged society, such as increased participation and demand expansion, improved physical and mental health, promotion of social interaction, political support, and technological development. In particular, it was expected that community-based exercise programs and technological innovations such as wearable devices and virtual reality (VR) would greatly contribute to improving the accessibility and efficiency of senior sport. On the other hand, there were current issues in senior sport in an aging society, such as limited physical accessibility, economic burden, lack of program diversity, inadequate injury and safety management, and lack of infrastructure and related resources. To address these issues, it was deemed necessary to strengthen financial support from the government and local governments, build senior-friendly sports facilities, train professional personnel, promote public-private cooperation, develop various senior sports programs, and strengthen the safety management system. In summary, this study was significant because it examined the future direction and development potential of senior sports in the midst of social changes such as the emergence of the super-aging society.
Key Words
초고령사회, 노인, 노인스포츠, 전망과 과제, 포커스 그룹 인터뷰, Super-aged society, Elderly, Senior sports, Prospects and challenges, Focus group interview
A Qualitative Study on the Successful Development of New Sport Pickleball in Korea 뉴스포츠 피클볼(Pickleball)의 성공적인 보급을 위한 질적 연구
정경환 Jung Kyunghwan , 조성원 Jo Sungwon , 장창용 Jang Chang-yong
A Qualitative Study on the Successful Development of New Sport Pickleball in Korea 뉴스포츠 피클볼(Pickleball)의 성공적인 보급을 위한 질적 연구
정경환 Jung Kyunghwan , 조성원 Jo Sungwon , 장창용 Jang Chang-yong
This study was conducted based on a phenomenological method, and a qualitative study was conducted to find a way to successfully distribute pickleball, which is widely popular around the world, in Korea. Participants in the study selected three professors of physical education majors, a university lecturer, and two graduate students in doctoral programs with experience in distributing pickleball in Korea. A total of 6 study participants were selected, and finally 5 cases were applied to this study. As a result of this study, 3 themes and 9 categories were derived. First, as a way to lower the barriers to entry for people who are new to pickleball, the results of the construction of a dedicated stadium, support from local governments, and preparation of pickleball noise measures were obtained. Second, on the topic of pickleball culture, the results related to the harmony of Korean-style culture and overseas culture during normal exercise during the competition were derived. Third, with the theme of the development of various programs, measures such as programs suitable for each gender or gender and school physical education programs appeared. In conclusion, for the successful domestic dissemination of pickleball, it was confirmed that the development of various programs is effective, it is necessary to lower the barriers to entry and create a domestic culture.
Key Words
피클볼, 뉴스포츠, 보급 방안, 질적 연구, Pickleball, New Sport, Strategies for Promotion, Qualitative Research
Exploring the Potential for Promoting eSports as Sport for All 이스포츠의 생활스포츠 활성화에 관한 가능성 탐색
Exploring the Potential for Promoting eSports as Sport for All 이스포츠의 생활스포츠 활성화에 관한 가능성 탐색
김화룡 Kim Hwa-ryong , 최은경 Choi Eun-kyoung
This study aims to explore the potential for promoting eSports as a recreational sport by examining the institutional growth and evolution of recreational sports in Korea. Initially, a systematic literature review was conducted to identify laws related to recreational sports in Korea, examining the historical development and distinguishing characteristics of recreational sports. To understand how the sports club policy has evolved into a framework for recreational sports, key programs and initiatives, specifically those under public sports clubs and designated sports clubs, were analyzed. This review process serves as an essential exploration of whether eSports, a rapidly growing and increasingly prominent activity, can be incorporated into the institutional framework of recreational sports. Given the current recognition and popularity of eSports, establishing designated eSports club programs seems feasible without institutional obstacles. Furthermore, with the goal of expanding to 350 designated sports clubs, the inclusion of eSports as a designated club would enable the development of programs that educate on game rules, teamwork, and healthy gaming culture, ultimately securing financial stability through membership growth and fostering professional players. In conclusion, the integration of eSports into the realm of recreational sports could yield positive outcomes, broadening the reach of recreational sports policies to encompass a wider demographic.
Key Words
이스포츠, 생활스포츠, 공공스포츠클럽, 지정스포츠클럽, 학교체육, eSports, Sport for All, Public Sports Clubs, Designated Sports Clubs, School Physical Education
A Study on the Intention to Accept NFT in Korean Professional Baseball Using Value-Based Adoption Model(VAM) 가치기반수용모델(VAM)을 활용한 프로야구 NFT 수용의도 결정요인에 관한 연구
이정학 Lee Jeoung-hak , 이성원 Lee Seong-won , 고세진 Ko Se-jin , 김민준 Kim Min-jun
A Study on the Intention to Accept NFT in Korean Professional Baseball Using Value-Based Adoption Model(VAM) 가치기반수용모델(VAM)을 활용한 프로야구 NFT 수용의도 결정요인에 관한 연구
이정학 Lee Jeoung-hak , 이성원 Lee Seong-won , 고세진 Ko Se-jin , 김민준 Kim Min-jun
This study aims to understand the intention to accept professional baseball NFTs based on the value-based adoption model (VAM), and provides basic data to establish the meaning and value of professional baseball NFTs so that KBO and professional baseball fans can have a close long-term bond through professional baseball NFTs.
A total of 213 surveys were used as the final sample. For data analysis, SPSS 28.0 Ver. and AMOS 21.0 Ver. were used for frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and structural equation model analysis. First, perceived benefits(usefulness) didn’t significantly affect perceived value. Second, perceived benefits(enjoyments) was found to have a positive(+) effect on perceived value. Third, perceived sacrifices(technically) didn’t significantly affect perceived value. Fourth, perceived sacrifices(Cost) didn’t significantly affect perceived value. Fifth, perceived value was found to have a positive (+) effect on adoption intention.
The results of this study suggests that the perceived value may increase the perceived value, and the perceived value may increase the degree of acceptance. This suggests that consumers can feel the joy and greater value of accommodation should feel the joy and greater value of accommodation. Baseball NFT is believed that baseball digital fans are meaningful to provide basic data for continuous operations for continuous operations for continuous operations.
Key Words
한국프로야구, NFT, 수용의도, 가치기반수용모델, Korean Professional Baseball, Adoption Intention, Value-Based Adoption Model
The Effects of Pilates Mat Exercises on Lumbar Strength and Low Back Pain in Elderly Women with Chronic Low Back Pain 필라테스 매트 운동이 만성요통을 가진 여성노인의 요부근력 및 요통에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Pilates Mat Exercises on Lumbar Strength and Low Back Pain in Elderly Women with Chronic Low Back Pain 필라테스 매트 운동이 만성요통을 가진 여성노인의 요부근력 및 요통에 미치는 영향
최봉길 Choi Bong Gil
This study aimed to investigate the effects of a 12 week Pilates mat exercise program on lumbar strength and the alleviation of low back pain in elderly women with chronic low back pain. Sixteen elderly women with chronic low back pain were selected through simple random sampling, with eight assigned to the experimental group and eight to the control group. The Pilates mat exercise program was conducted three times a week for 12 weeks, with an exercise intensity set at an RPE of 10~13. The results showed that, first, lumbar strength significantly increased in the exercise group compared to pre-exercise levels, while the control group experienced a decrease. Second, low back pain decreased in the exercise group after the intervention, whereas it increased in the control group. Therefore, the Pilates mat exercise program was confirmed to be an effective method for improving lumbar strength and alleviating low back pain in elderly women with chronic low back pain.
Key Words
필라테스 매트 운동, 만성요통, 여성노인, 요부근력, 요통, Pilates mat exercise, chronic low back pain, elderly women, lumbar strength, low back pain
The Role of Explainability in Designing Human-Centered AI Healthcare Services: From A Comparative Approach 설명가능한 인공지능을 이용한 사용자 중심의 헬스케어 서비스 인터페이스의 효과 검증: 비교 중심적 사고를 중심으로
장원석 Jang Wonseok , 이지은 Jieun Lee , 이하람 Haram Lee , 조형승 Hyung Seung Cho
The Role of Explainability in Designing Human-Centered AI Healthcare Services: From A Comparative Approach 설명가능한 인공지능을 이용한 사용자 중심의 헬스케어 서비스 인터페이스의 효과 검증: 비교 중심적 사고를 중심으로
장원석 Jang Wonseok , 이지은 Jieun Lee , 이하람 Haram Lee , 조형승 Hyung Seung Cho
This study proposes a novel interface, namely - comparative explainable artificial intelligence (CXAI), for AI-based healthcare services and examines how users evaluate these services differently depending on the interface type. A single factor experimental design was used for this study (general AI vs. AI-powered CXAI vs. user-powered CXAI). The results suggest that users evaluate AI-based healthcare services and recommended healthcare products more favorably when the services are operated by AI-powered CXAI compared to general AI, and such relationship is mediated by the perceived performance of the AI system. Overall, the current study provides meaningful theoretical and practical implications by not only proposing the concept of CXAI within the context of AI-based healthcare services, but also testing its effectiveness and identifying the underlying mechanisms that drive these effects.
Practical-level Exploratory Research on How to Enhance Continuity of the Physical Education Curriculum 체육과 교육과정 연계성 확보 방안에 대한 실천적 수준의 탐색 연구
윤주석 Yun Juseok , 구형근 Koo Hyungkeun
This study was conducted to explore practical measures to enhance the continuity between physical education and the curriculum at each school level. To this end, 152 physical education teachers working in ‘G region’ were selected as research subjects, and data was collected through the process of writing reports and discussing assignments. The collected data was read repeatedly, summarized, and interpreted, and the research results were derived through inductive category analysis. The research results were derived by dividing them into the causes of the continuity problems felt in the process of implementing physical education and the curriculum and measures to secure continuity. The research results are as follows. First, the causes of the continuity problems between physical education and the curriculum from a practical perspective were derived as ‘ambiguous curriculum content system’, ‘different physical education classes that do not reflect competencies’, and ‘differences in teachers’ level of understanding of the curriculum’. Second, in order to strengthen the continuity between physical education and the curriculum at the practical level, it was said that ‘the specification of the national level curriculum document’, ‘the restructuring of the curriculum content system centered on sports’, ‘the activation of the elementary, middle, and high school teacher councils at the regional level’, and ‘the support for the development of physical education teachers’ capabilities’ are necessary. It is expected that these research results will be used as basic data for the continuity plan when developing the next national level physical education and curriculum.
The Impact of Elite Football Players’ Perceived Peer Motivational Climate on Grit: The Mediating Effect of Mental Toughness 엘리트 축구선수가 지각하는 또래 동기 분위기가 그릿에 미치는 영향: 정신력 매개효과
The Impact of Elite Football Players’ Perceived Peer Motivational Climate on Grit: The Mediating Effect of Mental Toughness 엘리트 축구선수가 지각하는 또래 동기 분위기가 그릿에 미치는 영향: 정신력 매개효과
황재훈 Hwang Jae Hoon , 송용관 Song Yong-gwan
This study examined the effects of perceived peer motivational climate on mental toughness and grit in elite soccer players and tested the mediating role of mental toughness. A total of 526 elite male soccer players from middle school, high school, and university participated in a survey measuring the relationships between peer motivational climate, mental toughness, and grit. The data, collected through a cross-sectional approach, were analyzed using frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, reliability testing, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, correlation analysis, multiple regression, and mediation analysis via the PROCESS macro. The results showed that a task-involving peer motivational climate positively influenced mental toughness and perseverance of effort, a sub-factor of grit, while an ego-involving motivational climate negatively affected mental toughness but positively influenced both consistency of interest and perseverance of effort. Mediation analysis confirmed that mental toughness mediated the relationship between a task-involving motivational climate and perseverance of effort. This study highlights the importance of a task-involving motivational climate in sports training and provides foundational data for enhancing athletes’ performance and mental toughness.
The Impact of Privacy Concern about Professional Sports Team’s Mobile Application on Continuance Intention to Use: Moderating Effects of Monetary Incentive and Service Benefits 대학운동부 코치의 코칭행동이 선수의 스포츠 경쟁성향에 미치는 영향: 또래동기분위기의 매개효과
The Impact of Privacy Concern about Professional Sports Team’s Mobile Application on Continuance Intention to Use: Moderating Effects of Monetary Incentive and Service Benefits 대학운동부 코치의 코칭행동이 선수의 스포츠 경쟁성향에 미치는 영향: 또래동기분위기의 매개효과
주우영 Joo Woo-young , 유지은 Yu Ji-eun
This study aims to examine the mediating effect of peers’ motivational climate on the relationship between coaches’ coaching behaviors and athletes’ contesting orientations in the sports field. A questionnaire was administered to 291 student-athletes (Mage = 21.28, SD = 1.22) who belong to sports teams at universities located in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, Gwangju, Jeonbuk, and Chungcheong-do. The collected data were analyzed using the statistical programs SPSS and Mplus. Frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, and correlation analysis were conducted, and the research hypotheses were tested through structural equation modeling. According to the results of the study, first, the coaches’ autonomy supportive coaching behaviors had a positive effect on task involving motivational climate, while controlling coaching behaviors had a positive effect on ego involving motivational climate. Second, autonomy-supportive coaching behaviors had a positive effect on partnership orientation, but showed no significant effect on war orientation, whereas controlling coaching behaviors did not have a significant impact on either partnership or war orientation. Third, task involving motivational climate demonstrated a positive mediating effect in the relationship between autonomy-supportive coaching behaviors and both partnership and war orientation, while ego involving motivational climate showed a positive mediating effect in the relationship between controlling coaching behaviors and war orientation. These results suggest that, in shaping proper contesting orientation in sports, the role of peers is just as important as the role of the coach.
The Socioeconomic Impact of Sports Injuries: The Importance of Age-Specific Safety Awareness and Preventive Education 스포츠 부상의 사회경제적 영향: 연령대별 안전 인식 및 예방 교육의 중요성
박성은 Park Sung Eun , 고재면 Ko Jae Myun , 소위영 So Wi-young
The Socioeconomic Impact of Sports Injuries: The Importance of Age-Specific Safety Awareness and Preventive Education 스포츠 부상의 사회경제적 영향: 연령대별 안전 인식 및 예방 교육의 중요성
박성은 Park Sung Eun , 고재면 Ko Jae Myun , 소위영 So Wi-young
This study aimed to comprehensively analyze the state of sports safety awareness, education, and preventive activities by age group, as well as the socioeconomic impact of sports injuries. Data from the Korea National Sports for All Survey (2019) and Korea Safety Accident Survey (2019) were used. The data included injury frequency, implementation of preventive activities, knowledge of safety rules, familiarity with accident prevention and response methods, participation and difficulty in prior education, perception of the need for safety education, hospital visit experience, treatment duration, and costs for each age group. The collected data were categorized according to age and normalized, analyzed, and visualized using heat maps. The results of the analysis showed that the injury occurrence rate was highest in the 20s age group and lowest in 60s age group and above. Accident prevention activities were consistently practiced across most age groups, and knowledge of safety rules was highest in the 50s and 60s age groups. Teenagers and those aged 60 years and older were the most knowledgeable about accident prevention and response methods. Participation in prior education was the highest among those in their 20s, whereas teenagers perceived the difficulty of prior education as the highest. All age groups recognized the need for safety education. Hospital visits were most frequent among teenagers, treatment durations were the longest for those in their 40s and 50s, and treatment costs were the highest in those in their 50s. According to the results, teenagers had a low injury frequency but lacked the implementation of preventive activities despite having a high knowledge of safety rules. The 20s age group showed high injury frequency and active implementation of preventive activities, but had insufficient safety knowledge. The 30s age group had high injury frequency, low preventive activity implementation, and low safety knowledge. Those in their 40s had a high rate of preventive activity implementation but low safety knowledge, whereas those in their 50s, 60s and older had a low injury frequency and high safety knowledge. These results suggest the necessity of tailored educational programs that consider the characteristics of each age group to enhance safety knowledge and strengthen preventive activities. This approach will help minimize the risk of injury during sports activities and create a safer environment. Continuous education and up-to-date information should be provided to ensure that all age groups can enjoy sports safely.
Key Words
스포츠 부상, 안전 인식, 사고 예방, 안전 교육, 히트맵, Sports injuries, Safety awareness, Accident prevention, Safety education, Heatmap
The Effect of Posterior Oblique Sling and Respiratory Muscle Training on Thoracic Range of Motion and Pulmonary Function of Adults with Spinal Cord Injury 후면사슬 근육군 및 호흡근 운동이 척수장애인의 흉추 가동범위와 폐 기능에 미치는 효과
The Effect of Posterior Oblique Sling and Respiratory Muscle Training on Thoracic Range of Motion and Pulmonary Function of Adults with Spinal Cord Injury 후면사슬 근육군 및 호흡근 운동이 척수장애인의 흉추 가동범위와 폐 기능에 미치는 효과
조영욱 Cho Young Wook , 진주연 Jin Jooyeon
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect on thoracic range of motion and overall pulmonary function when posterior oblique sling and respiratory muscle exercises were applied to people with spinal cord injury (SCI) who suffered from structural deformation of upper extremity joints and decreased pulmonary function due to long-term wheelchair use. A total of 23 people with SCI participated in the study and they randomly assigned to an experimental group (n=14) and a control group (n=9). They participated in an exercise program consisted of 60 minutes per session, twice a week for 8 weeks in total. As a result of analyzing the effects after the end of the intervention, it was revealed that the experimental group’s thoracic spine range of motion (12.17cm, p=.001) and respiratory muscle function (18.31cmH2O, p<.001) significantly increased. Although a substantial increase was observed in Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) and Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 Seconds (FEV1), there was no statistically significant improvement. This shows that posterior oblique sling training improves the structural deformation caused by hyper-kyphosis that includes a decrease in the volume of the thoracic cage, and at the same time increases the function of the respiratory muscles through respiratory muscle exercise, which has a complex effect, improving the range of motion of the thoracic spine and the function of the respiratory muscles. In this regard, this study is significant in that it can be used as a program to correct posture and improve basic pulmonary function of people with spinal cord injury by improving structural deformation of the upper limb joint that reduces exercise participation and persistence of people with SCI and significantly increasing the function of the respiratory muscles that make up part of pulmonary function. Based on the results of previous research showing that the function of respiratory muscles decreases due to deformation of posture, and that the decrease in respiratory muscle function can cause an excessive decrease in pulmonary function (Park et al., 2010), future studies are probably necessary to test an intervention that can lead to stabilization beyond the improvement of the modified upper limb joint enough to significantly increase the FVC and FEV1 values.
Key Words
지체장애인, 흉추기능, 폐활량, 저항성운동, 흡기근운동, people with physical disability, thoracic spine function, lung capacity, resistance training, inspiratory muscle training
Study on Baku Ishii’s Performance in Joseon: Focusing on the 1920s 이시이 바쿠(石井漠)의 조선공연에 관한 연구: 1920년대를 중심으로
Study on Baku Ishii’s Performance in Joseon: Focusing on the 1920s 이시이 바쿠(石井漠)의 조선공연에 관한 연구: 1920년대를 중심으로
김지연 Kim Ji Yeon
This study was about Baku Ishii’s performance in Joseon of the 1920s, and drew conclusions as follows. First, Baku Ishii held the performance for the first time in Joseon of 1926. In Joseon of the time where the creative dance was unfamiliar, Baku Ishii’s dance itself was approached as a new concept of dance. Especially, Seung-hee Choi who became Ishii’s pupil after his performance in Joseon of 1926, caused a social problem in Joseon society. Second, Baku Ishii’s second performance in Joseon of 1927 not only imprinted his dance on the audience of Joseon, but also worked as a chance to introduce the existence of Seung-hee Choi who also participated in it, and also to newly give the perception of dance. Third, Baku Ishii’s performance in Joseon of 1928 was held in Gyeongseong, Pyeongyang, and Busan. As it included Joseon dancers such as Seung-hee Choi, Taek-won Cho, and Byeong-ryong Han, it grabbed more Joseon people’s attention and also presented huge satisfaction to people who expected the performance. Like this, Baku Ishii introduced various creative dances to Korea, and also contributed to the development of domestic dance by training Joseon pupils. His performance activities in Joseon started writing the history of new dance in Korea, and had huge influences on the development of dance.
Key Words
이시이 바쿠, 신무용, 창작 무용, 조선 공연, 최승희, Baku Ishii, new dance, creative dance, Joseon performance, Seung-hee Choi
Research on Users’ Subjective Perception Types of Sports Content Consumption: A Focus on the Q Methodology 스포츠 콘텐츠 소비에 대한 이용자의 주관적 인식유형에 관한 연구: Q 방법론을 중심으로
Research on Users’ Subjective Perception Types of Sports Content Consumption: A Focus on the Q Methodology 스포츠 콘텐츠 소비에 대한 이용자의 주관적 인식유형에 관한 연구: Q 방법론을 중심으로
유호석 Yoo Ho-suk , 한진욱 Han Jin-wook
This study, unlike quantitative research methods that derive deductive hypothesis-driven results, aims to explore the subjective perception types of sports content users by applying the Q methodology, which allows for the analysis of individuals' diverse subjective evaluations, attitudes, values, and meanings. To achieve this research objective, the study followed the procedures of the Q methodology and conducted an analysis using the PQMethod program. First, in the process of constructing the Q sample, 180 general statements were formulated based on a review of the literature related to sports content. Based on these statements, in-depth interviews were conducted with sports content producers, experts, enthusiasts, and non-enthusiasts. As a result, the statements were categorized into four perspectives: viewing motivations, content attributes and quality, platform, and device. Through this process, redundant or overly conclusive statements were adjusted, leading to the development of a total of 75 statements. Next, among the 75 Q statements, the statements corresponding to each category were balanced across positive, neutral, and negative opinions, and statements that were biased or ambiguous were excluded. This resulted in the final selection of 34 Q samples. The 34 Q samples were then used to survey a P sample of 34 participants, leading to the identification of three subjective perception types regarding sports content. These types were named: Type 1, “Platform Role-Oriented”; Type 2, “Generalized Content Role-Oriented”; and Type 3, “Content Evolution Role-Oriented.”
Delphi Study for Selecting AR/VR-based Physical Fitness Measurement Content Development Items AR·VR 기반 체력 측정 콘텐츠 개발 항목 선정을 위한 델파이 연구
조은형 Cho Eunhyung , 김태완 Kim Taewhan , 강현우 Kang Hyunwoo
This study aims to provide foundational data that can be utilized in the development of immersive, responsive fitness assessment and training content through the selection of fitness measurement items based on AR(Augmented Reality) and VR(Virtual Reality). To achieve this, opinions were gathered from a total of 37 experts. Specifically, expert interviews were conducted to draft the initial list of basic fitness measurement items. Through the first and second rounds of Delphi surveys, the priorities of the fitness assessment domains and the importance of each evaluation item in these domains were investigated. In the third round of the Delphi survey, responses were collected on the evaluation items that were deemed appropriate in the first and second rounds. The study’s results identified five key fitness factors for measurement: strength, muscular endurance, agility, explosive power, and coordination. The selected measurement items were: back strength, push-ups, light reaction time, sound reaction time, standing long jump, sergeant jump, and eye-hand T-Wall. These results can be effectively used as scientific evidence in the development of AR/VR-based immersive, responsive fitness assessment content.
Key Words
스포츠 AR, 스포츠 VR, 체력 측정, 델파이 연구, Sports VR, Sports AR, Fitness Assessment, Delphi Technique
The Impact of Active Seniors’ Digital Literacy on Successful Aging: The Moderating Effect of Leisure Sports Participation 액티브시니어의 디지털 리터러시가 성공적 노화에 미치는 영향: 여가스포츠 참여 유무의 조절효과
The Impact of Active Seniors’ Digital Literacy on Successful Aging: The Moderating Effect of Leisure Sports Participation 액티브시니어의 디지털 리터러시가 성공적 노화에 미치는 영향: 여가스포츠 참여 유무의 조절효과
연분홍 Yeon Boonhong , 김종순 Kim Jongsoon
This study aims to examine the impact of active seniors’ digital literacy on successful aging and to investigate the moderating effect of leisure sports participation in this relationship. The goal of this research is to provide practical implications for reducing the digital literacy information gap among active seniors and to promote successful aging. A survey was conducted using a convenience sampling method targeting active seniors aged 50 and above who were residing in the Seoul and Gyeonggi regions from May 2022 over a period of five months. Participants were selected from senior welfare centers and included those who had basic digital literacy skills and had participated in digital utilization education programs. Data collection was conducted both online and in person, with a total of 75 online and 213 in-person surveys collected. Out of these, 268 surveys were used for the final analysis. Data analysis and verification were performed using SPSS 25.0, including frequency analysis, reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis, hierarchical regression and correlation analysis. The results showed, first, that digital literacy significantly affects successful aging among active seniors. Specifically, digital literacy sub-factors such as information utilization ability, communication ability, and normative compliance ability all had significant impacts on successful aging. Second, the moderation effect of leisure sports participation on the relationship between digital literacy and successful aging was verified by adding interaction variables. The results indicate that leisure sports participation moderates the relationship between digital literacy and successful aging.
Key Words
액티브시니어, 디지털 리터러시, 성공적 노화, 여가스포츠, Active seniors, Digital literacy, Successful aging, Leisure sports
Sport Pedagogy and Sport Andragogy: A Proposal for the Possibility of Parallel Conceptual Expansion 스포츠 페다고지(Pedagogy)와 스포츠 안드라고지(Andragogy): 병렬적 개념의 확장 가능성을 위한 제언
Sport Pedagogy and Sport Andragogy: A Proposal for the Possibility of Parallel Conceptual Expansion 스포츠 페다고지(Pedagogy)와 스포츠 안드라고지(Andragogy): 병렬적 개념의 확장 가능성을 위한 제언
함명환 Ham Myoung-hwan , 남윤호 Nam Yoon Ho
This study seeks to underscore the significance of adult sport education as a lifelong pursuit beyond the scope of school-based physical education, particularly within the context of the fourth industrial revolution and an evolving, aging sports environment. It re-examines and expands the traditional framework of sports pedagogy, focusing on establishing a theoretical basis for effective adult sport education beyond high school. The research introduces a theoretical foundation for sport andragogy, covering all aspects of ‘adult sport pedagogy’ post-high school, and explores the philosophical aspects of educational aims, target audiences, curricular design, instructional methods, and evaluative feedback. Sport andragogy emphasizes playfulness and intrinsic motivation―‘engaging for enjoyment’―while acknowledging sports’ goal of ‘striving for excellence.’ Its core principle, ‘contribution to life through autonomy and problem-solving,’ informs the structure of educational content, divided into knowledge(understanding), skills(process), and attitudes(values). Instructional methods, assessment, and feedback should be tailored to meet the unique needs of adult learners, distinct from those in traditional sport pedagogy. Sport pedagogy and sport andragogy share a relationship of “different melodies, same craftsmanship,” each pursuing distinct goals while maintaining a shared commitment to excellence. To ensure continuity and expansion, it is crucial to facilitate the expression of inherent kinesthetic qualities in individuals before adulthood through bodily engagement.
Key Words
스포츠 페다고지, 스포츠 안드라고지, 성인학습, 평생교육, Sport Pedagogy, Sport Andragogy, Adult Learning, Lifelong Education
Networks on the Court: The Formation and Transfer of Social Capital through Tennis Clubs 코트 위의 네트워크: 테니스 동호회를 통한 사회적 자본 형성과 전이
Networks on the Court: The Formation and Transfer of Social Capital through Tennis Clubs 코트 위의 네트워크: 테니스 동호회를 통한 사회적 자본 형성과 전이
김남규 Kim Nam-gyu , 임새미 Lim Seami
This study empirically analyzed the process of social capital formation centered on tennis clubs from the perspective of Coleman’s social capital theory and examined how social capital is transferred to the external society and what influence it has. As a result, the tennis club became a closed community centered on cooperation and trust, where social capital was naturally formed through regular interactions. Interpersonal obligations and expectations solidified trust in mutually reciprocal relationships, while implicit norms and information sharing played an important role in cooperation and expansion of social capital within the club. The social capital thus formed contributed to promoting economic and social interactions within the local community, leading to the development of broader social networks. Especially, trust formed through obligations and norms in clubs had a positive effect on providing more opportunities in the external society, and information sharing was found to serve as a channel for creating social opportunities that could provide opportunities in a wider social network.
Key Words
테니스, 동호회, 사회적 자본, 콜만, 사회적 전이, Tennis, Social Clubs, Social Capital, Coleman, Social Transfer
The Effect of Middle and High School Track and Field Athletes’ Mindset on Grit and Perceived Performance 중·고등학교 육상선수들의 마인드셋이 그릿과 인지된 경기력에 미치는 영향
The Effect of Middle and High School Track and Field Athletes’ Mindset on Grit and Perceived Performance 중·고등학교 육상선수들의 마인드셋이 그릿과 인지된 경기력에 미치는 영향
김다혜 Kim Da-hye , 이향범 Lee Hyang-beum
The purpose of this study is to provide the effect of growth mindsets on grit and perceived performance on middle and high school athletes for optimal performance based on their mental state. Exploratory factor, reliability, and multiple regression analysis were conducted with the SPSS 25.0 program by the 271 registered middle and high school athletes registered in the Korean Athletics Federation. As a results, mindsets and grit and perceived performance; first, the correlation between mindsets and grit and perceived performance had a significant positive correlation between growth mindsets and perceived performance, and fixed mindsets were negatively correlated with grit and perceived performance, and fixed mindsets were not significant substantial between fixed mindsets and perceived performance. Second, the mindset had a significant effect on grit. Third, the mindset had a significant effect on perceived performance. Fourth, grit had a significant effect on perceived performance. Thus, middle and high school athletes will be able to achieve their goals, improve their performance, and maintain an optimal psychological state if they improve their growth mindsets and strengthen their grit as a positive motivating factor, as the growth mindsets of middle and high school athletes have a positive effect on grit and perceived performance.
Effects of Global Sports Brands’ Event Sponsorship Activities on Satisfaction, Repeated Purchase, and Word of Mouth Intention: Focusing on Marathon Participants 글로벌 스포츠 브랜드의 이벤트 스폰서십 활동이 만족도, 반복구매, 구전의도에 미치는 영향: 마라톤대회 참가자 중심으로
방효찬 Bang Hyo-chan , 김태형 Kim Tai-hyung , 김로한 Kim Ro-han
Effects of Global Sports Brands’ Event Sponsorship Activities on Satisfaction, Repeated Purchase, and Word of Mouth Intention: Focusing on Marathon Participants 글로벌 스포츠 브랜드의 이벤트 스폰서십 활동이 만족도, 반복구매, 구전의도에 미치는 영향: 마라톤대회 참가자 중심으로
방효찬 Bang Hyo-chan , 김태형 Kim Tai-hyung , 김로한 Kim Ro-han
The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of global sports brands’ marathon sponsorship activities on the satisfaction, repeated purchases, and word of mouth intentions of participants in the competition. To achieve the purpose of this study, a survey was conducted on 336 participants in the 2023 JTBC Seoul Marathon, New Balance 2023 Run your way Seoul 10K RACE Marathon. Except for 24 questionnaires containing unfaithful answers, 312 questionnaires were used for the final analysis. Statistical techniques used for data analysis were frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The collected questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS 29.0, a statistical program, and the results are as follows. As a result of examining the impact of sports brands’ marathon sponsorship activities on the consumption behavior of participants, communication, image enhancement, and event contribution, which are sub-factors of sponsorship activities, have a significant effect on satisfaction, repeated purchase, and word of mouth intention, which are sub-factors of consumption behavior intention.
Key Words
스포츠 스폰서십, 스포츠 브랜드, 스포츠 이벤트, 마라톤, 소비행동의도, sports sponsorship, sports brand, sports event, marathon, consumption behavior intention
Comparative Analysis Study on Body Composition, Morphological and Physical Fitness Variables according to Obesity and Sarcopenia in Middle-Aged Males in Rural Areas by the BIA BIA법에 의한 농촌지역 남성 장년층의 비만도 및 근감소증에 따른 체구성, 형태 및 체력변인에 대한 비교분석 연구
박재용 Park Jaeyong , 권대근 Kwon Daekeun , 송영주 Song Youngju
Comparative Analysis Study on Body Composition, Morphological and Physical Fitness Variables according to Obesity and Sarcopenia in Middle-Aged Males in Rural Areas by the BIA BIA법에 의한 농촌지역 남성 장년층의 비만도 및 근감소증에 따른 체구성, 형태 및 체력변인에 대한 비교분석 연구
박재용 Park Jaeyong , 권대근 Kwon Daekeun , 송영주 Song Youngju
This study was conducted to compare body composition, morphology, and physical strength factors according to sarcopenia and obesity by BIA in middle-aged males in rural areas. Body composition, morphological aspects, and physical function factors including muscle strength were measured in 44 middle-aged males, and the subjects were divided into four groups as follows; AG group (normal control group, n=12), BG group (sarcopenia group without obesity, n=10), CG group (obesity group without sarcopenia, n=12), and DG group (sarcopenia group including obesity, n=10). In body composition, skeletal muscle mass was significantly higher in the AG and CG groups than in the BG and DG groups. In extracellular water secretion ratio, the DG group was significantly higher than in the AG and CG groups. In morphological factors, the AG and CG groups were significantly higher than in the BG and DG groups. Among the physical factors, grip strength and each muscle extension power were significantly higher in the AG and CG groups than in the BG and DG groups. In sit-to-stand, the AG and CG groups showed significantly faster performance than the DG group. From the above results, it was shown that there were differences in skeletal muscle mass, morphology, and physical strength factors in middle-aged men in rural areas depending on the presence or absence of sarcopenia and obesity. In particular, sarcopenia with obesity was shown to be a serious problem due to a decline in cell health and physical function factors. Therefore, the need for active body composition and physical strength management in the middle-aged group was suggested for a healthy old age.
A Study on the Subjective Perception of Career Barriers among University Students Aspiring to Enter the Sport Industry: Focusing on Q-Methodology 스포츠산업분야 진로희망 대학생의 진로장벽에 관한 주관적 인식 연구: Q 방법론을 중심으로
박종철 Park Jongchul , 김일광 Kim Ilgwang , 최유리 Choi Youlee , 김수잔 Kim Susan
A Study on the Subjective Perception of Career Barriers among University Students Aspiring to Enter the Sport Industry: Focusing on Q-Methodology 스포츠산업분야 진로희망 대학생의 진로장벽에 관한 주관적 인식 연구: Q 방법론을 중심으로
박종철 Park Jongchul , 김일광 Kim Ilgwang , 최유리 Choi Youlee , 김수잔 Kim Susan
The purpose of this study is to categorize the career barriers of university students aspiring to enter the sports industry by applying the Q-methodology and to derive implications for the characteristics of each type. To achieve this, a Q-population was constructed based on previous studies on the career barriers of university students and a review of relevant student content. A total of 25 statements were then selected as the final Q-sample. The P-sample consisted of 20 third- and fourth-year university students majoring in sports who hope to pursue careers in the sports industry. The QUANL program was used for data analysis, and Q-factor analysis was conducted through principal component analysis and varimax rotation. As a result of the study, four types were identified: Type I (N=10) was labeled ‘Mismatch between Major and Desired Career,’ Type II (N=3) ‘Perception of Difficulty in Career Decision-Making,’ Type III (N=5) ‘Career Anxiety Due to Environmental and Psychological Factors,’ and Type IV (N=2) ‘Lack of Self-Understanding and Confidence.’ The significance of this study lies in expanding the research area of career barriers for students in sports-related fields to include the sports industry. Based on these findings, career education should be provided starting in the first and second years of university, with a focus on enhancing students’ self-concept clarity and confidence in the sports industry through practical field experiences. Finally, universities need to provide career programs related to sports industry policies promoted by the government as a new growth engine, such as offering consulting services through a comparative analysis of university career programs related to the sports industry.
Key Words
스포츠산업, 진로장벽, Q방법론, 진로 지원, Sport industry, career barrier, Q-methodology, career support
Big Data Analysis of the Event Sport Tourism Experience Using LDA Topic Modeling LDA 토픽 모델링을 활용한 이벤트 스포츠 관광 경험 빅데이터 분석
Big Data Analysis of the Event Sport Tourism Experience Using LDA Topic Modeling LDA 토픽 모델링을 활용한 이벤트 스포츠 관광 경험 빅데이터 분석
김시예 Kim Siye , 김대환 Kim Daehwan
This study aimed to analyze the actual experiences of event sport tourists by utilizing social big data, with the goal of providing foundational data for promoting event sport tourism. To achieve this objective, the research period was set for approximately one month, from March 17 to April 17, 2024, coinciding with the dates of the MLB World Tour Seoul Series. The keywords for data collection were established as "Seoul Series," "Seoul Series + viewing," and "Seoul Series + live attendance." In this study, big data was collected from blogs and online communities on Naver and Daum using Textom, and data analysis was conducted through word frequency analysis, TF-IDF analysis, semantic network analysis, LDA topic modeling, and sentiment analysis. The results indicated that event sport tourists exhibited a high level of interest in the sports event, host location, teams, and players following their tourism experience, and that four distinct topics were formed regarding their experiences. Based on these findings, the study provided a comprehensive understanding of the experiences and perceptions of event sport tourists from a macro perspective, offering practical implications for professionals aiming to promote event sport tourism.
Key Words
이벤트 스포츠 관광, 빅데이터, 텍스트 마이닝, LDA 토픽 모델링, Event Sport Tourism, Big data, Text Mining, LDA Topic Modeling
The Effect of the Public Sports Center of Safety Leadership and Safety Climate on Employees’ Organization Commitment, Job Stress & Safety Behavior 공공스포츠센터의 안전리더십과 안전분위기가 종사원의 조직몰입, 직무스트레스 및 안전행동에 미치는 영향
The Effect of the Public Sports Center of Safety Leadership and Safety Climate on Employees’ Organization Commitment, Job Stress & Safety Behavior 공공스포츠센터의 안전리더십과 안전분위기가 종사원의 조직몰입, 직무스트레스 및 안전행동에 미치는 영향
정정희 Jung Jung-hee , 김범 Kim Buom
The purpose of this study was to empirically analyze the relationship between a public sport center safety leadership and safety climate on Employees’ organizational commitment, job stress and safety action through structural equation model analysis. For this purpose, the survey targeted 207 workers working in 10 public sport centers in Gyeonggi-do. For the sampling method, the convenience sampling method was used, while the questionnaire was self-administered. In an effort to verify the proposed structural model, IBM SPSSWIN Ver. 23.0 and AMOS 23.0 were used. As a result First, safety leadership had a positive influence on organization commitment. Second, safety leadership had a negative influence on job stress. Third, safety climate had a positive influence on organization commitment. Fourth, safety climate had no negative influence on job stress. Fifth, organization commitment had a positive influence on safety behavior. Sixth, job stress had a negative influence on safety behavior. Through these results, the safety leadership and safety climate of the public sports center were recognized as an important factor in the operation of the organization and suggested implications for systematic safety management.
Developing a Competency Model for Sports Agents to Protect Athletes’ Rights and Enhance Their Market Value 선수의 권익 보호 및 상품 가치를 높이기 위한 스포츠 에이전트의 직무역량모델 개발
Developing a Competency Model for Sports Agents to Protect Athletes’ Rights and Enhance Their Market Value 선수의 권익 보호 및 상품 가치를 높이기 위한 스포츠 에이전트의 직무역량모델 개발
정윤덕 Yunduk Jeong
In the past, athletes suffered from an imbalance of bargaining power between clubs and players, which highlighted the need for sports agents with expertise in negotiation and legal knowledge. Recently, the role of sports agents has demanded even greater specialization, covering not only athlete marketing but also asset management, rehabilitation, and psychological care. Therefore, developing a competency model for sports agents to protect athletes’ rights and enhance their market value is an urgent task. This study aims to develop such a competency model, providing valuable resources for both prospective and current sports agents to enhance their expertise. The research process included four steps: 1) literature review, 2) in-depth interviews, 3) focus group interviews, and 4) content validity verification (CVR, stability, convergence, consensus). Through this process, four job areas (contract negotiation, athlete marketing, legal support, athlete management) and 17 competencies (transfer negotiation and contract, salary negotiation and contract, sponsorship negotiation and contract, advertising appearance negotiation and contract, athlete scouting, strategic planning and execution of personal branding, media relations, execution of social contribution activities, utilization of social network services, legal support for employment contracts, legal support for sponsorship and other legal issues, protection of publicity rights, condition management, psychological management, asset management, crisis management, post-retirement support) were identified, resulting in 41 behavioral indicators.
Key Words
직무, 직무역량모델, 스포츠 에이전트, 스포츠인적자원관리, Job, job competency model, sports agent, sports human resource management
The Impact of Exercise Time on Middle School Students’ Happiness: The Sequential Mediation Effects of Grit and Self-Esteem 중학생의 운동시간이 행복감에 미치는 영향: 그릿(Grit)과 자아존중감의 순차적 매개효과
김주형 Kim Juhyeong , 권성호 Kwon Sungho , 이승주 Lee Seungjoo
The Impact of Exercise Time on Middle School Students’ Happiness: The Sequential Mediation Effects of Grit and Self-Esteem 중학생의 운동시간이 행복감에 미치는 영향: 그릿(Grit)과 자아존중감의 순차적 매개효과
김주형 Kim Juhyeong , 권성호 Kwon Sungho , 이승주 Lee Seungjoo
The purpose of this study is to verify the sequential mediating effects of grit and self-esteem on the relationship between exercise time and happiness in middle school students, thereby examining the specific pathways through which exercise influences happiness and advocating the need for increased exercise time to enhance adolescent well-being. Data from the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey 2018 (3rd year data of 1st-grade middle school students) were utilized, and a total of 2,384 datasets were analyzed using PROCESS macro Model 6. The results of the study are as follows: First, the exercise time of middle school students had a positive effect on grit, self-esteem, and happiness. Second, the mediating variables, grit and self-esteem, had a positive effect on happiness. Third, grit and self-esteem showed significant mediating effects in the relationship between exercise time and happiness in middle school students. Fourth, exercise time in middle school students significantly influenced happiness through the sequential mediation of grit and self-esteem. In conclusion, it was confirmed that exercise time in middle school students not only directly enhances happiness but also plays an important role in promoting happiness through psychological factors such as grit and self-esteem. Therefore, sufficient exercise time should be encouraged and promoted to help adolescents become healthy and happy members of society.
Key Words
중학생, 행복, 운동시간, 그릿, 자아존중감, KCYPS 2018, Middle school student, Happiness, Exercise time, Grit, Self-esteem
A Systematic Review of the Korean Certified Sports Leader Qualification System: An Exploratory Study on Current Status, Problems, and Improvement Measures 체육지도자 자격제도에 관한 체계적 문헌고찰: 현황 및 문제점과 개선방안에 대한 탐색적 연구
A Systematic Review of the Korean Certified Sports Leader Qualification System: An Exploratory Study on Current Status, Problems, and Improvement Measures 체육지도자 자격제도에 관한 체계적 문헌고찰: 현황 및 문제점과 개선방안에 대한 탐색적 연구
윤상진 Yoon Sangjin , 임새미 Lim Seami
This study examines the history, current state, challenges, and potential improvements of the Korean Certified Sports Leader Qualification System, offering comprehensive recommendations for enhancement. From a total of 28,644 studies published between 1974 and July 2024, 37 relevant studies conducted after the 2015 reform were analyzed. Three major issues were identified: certification structure, certification examination, and instructional environment. Problems within the certification structure include issues related to titles, standards, and target groups. Certification examination issues encompass the examination process, written tests, practical and oral tests, training, and continuing education. The instructional environment is affected by inadequate working conditions and social factors. Key exploratory recommendations include integrating the fragmented certification system into a unified structure with three to four levels based on experience and enhancing the education curriculum. The study also suggests implementing mandatory continuing education, improving training programs, and expanding the classification of sports facilities under the Sports Facilities Act. Additionally, it recommends granting business rights to certified sports leaders, increasing mandatory instructor placements, and, in the long term, establishing mandatory certification for all sports facility instructors.
Key Words
체육지도자, 스포츠지도사, 자격제도, 체계적 문헌고찰, 국민체육진흥법, 기간제법, 체육시설법, Certified sports leader, Certified sports instructor, Qualification system, Systematic review, National Sports Promotion Act, Installation and Utilization of Sports Facilities Act
A Study on the Practical Classes Experiences of Adult Learners in Sports Majors at Distance Universities Using the Critical Incident Technique 결정적사건기법을 활용한 원격대학 스포츠전공 성인학습자의 실기과목 경험분석
A Study on the Practical Classes Experiences of Adult Learners in Sports Majors at Distance Universities Using the Critical Incident Technique 결정적사건기법을 활용한 원격대학 스포츠전공 성인학습자의 실기과목 경험분석
김태중 Taejung Kim
This study aims to analyze the positive experiences, negative experiences, and suggestions for improvement regarding practical classes among adult learners enrolled in the sports major at a distance university, and to identify key keywords and explore directions for improvement. The analysis was conducted using the Critical Incident Technique, and data were collected through a survey conducted among adult learners in the sports major at H Distance University. The survey consisted of sections on “positive experiences,” “negative experiences,” and “suggestions for improvement.” The responses collected included 182 positive experiences, 151 negative experiences, and 139 suggestions for improvement. The analysis of these responses led to the identification of the following keywords: The keywords for positive experiences are ‘course format and accessibility’, ‘practical and experiential learning’, ‘course content structure’, ‘learning outcomes and motivation’, and ‘others’. The keywords for negative experiences are ‘challenges in direct participation and experience’, ‘limitations in feedback’, ‘limitations of online courses’, ‘lack of content diversity’, and ‘others’. The keywords for suggestions for improvement are ‘expansion of in-person classes’, ‘introduction of various practical courses’, ‘development of a feedback system’, ‘diversification of content’, and ‘others’. Through this study, the quality of education in the sports major at the distance university can be improved, providing learners with a better learning experience.
Key Words
원격대학, 온라인 강의, 성인 학습자, 스포츠 실기 과목, Distance university, Online lectures, Adult learners, Sport practical classes
Effects of a Postural Education and Cervical Spine and Shoulder Stabilizing Program on Forward Head Posture and Round Shoulder Posture in Women 자세교육과 경추부 및 어깨 안정화 프로그램이 여성의 전방머리자세와 둥근어깨자세에 미치는 효과
Effects of a Postural Education and Cervical Spine and Shoulder Stabilizing Program on Forward Head Posture and Round Shoulder Posture in Women 자세교육과 경추부 및 어깨 안정화 프로그램이 여성의 전방머리자세와 둥근어깨자세에 미치는 효과
송유진 Song Youjin , 김영주 Kim Young Joo
The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of 8-week untact cervical and shoulder stabilization complex exercise program and postural education on improving the forward head posture and rounded shoulder posture for women in their 20s complaining of musculoskeletal diseases due to non-face-to-face classes and telecommuting.
Thirty women in their 20s with front head posture and round shoulders were surveyed for a total of eight weeks, with 10 people each divided into Complex Exercise Group (CEG), Postal Education Group (PEG), and Control Group (CG). In order to analyze the intervention effect by group, Craniovertebral angle, Shoulder angle, Neck Disability Index(NDI), Proprioception, Muscle Endurance, and Range Of Motion(ROM) were measured. As a result of evaluating the changes before and after the intervention program, CEG has improved significantly compared to PEG and CG in Craniovertebral angle, Shoulder angle, Proprioception, Muscle Endurance, and Range Of Motion(ROM) (p<.05), while PEG has improved significantly compared to CEG and CG in NDI.
Through this study, it can be seen that the untact cervical and shoulder stabilization complex exercise program and postural education have a positive effect on the improvement of the forward head posture and round shoulder posture, and the complex exercise program is more effective than postural education.
Key Words
전방머리자세, 둥근어깨, 고유수용성감각, 관절가동범위, 복합운동, Forward head posture, Rounded shoulder, Proprioception, Range of motion, Complex exercise
A Study on Analyzing Trends of the Number of Spectators in the Korean Professional Baseball League 프로야구 관중 규모 추이 분석에 관한 연구
장경호 Jang Kyeong-ho , 김덕용 Kim Deok-yong , 이현섭 Lee Hyun-seob , 강현민 Kang Hyun-min
A Study on Analyzing Trends of the Number of Spectators in the Korean Professional Baseball League 프로야구 관중 규모 추이 분석에 관한 연구
장경호 Jang Kyeong-ho , 김덕용 Kim Deok-yong , 이현섭 Lee Hyun-seob , 강현민 Kang Hyun-min
The purpose of this study was to provide a practical basis for increasing the number of spectators by analyzing the trends in attendance during the Korean professional baseball season. Of the nine seasons between 2015 and 2023, when the current 10-team league format was established, data from 5,040 games from seven seasons, excluding the 2020 and 2021 seasons, which were not played due to COVID-19, were used in the analysis. LOWESS analysis was used to derive trends of the number of spectators for each seasons analyzed, and time series clustering analysis was performed with DTW to verify the similarity of the trends across seasons. In addition, an analysis was conducted for the trends based on the average and growth or decline of spectators during the season. Statistical analysis used R 4.4.1 version, and the key findings were as follows. First, the 2022 season was found to have a different trend compared to the entire season analyzed. Second, similar to most seasons, we found high levels of attendance in the beginning of the season, in May, and later in the season. However, the analysis was shown a prolonged downturn from mid-June to early September with below-average size of spectators. Third, we found that only about 20% of the analyzed period showed an increase in spectators alongside numbers exceeding the season’s average. It’s worth noting that every season except 2022 has seen a similar trend, and the analogous pattern of downturn in spectators has been repeated each season. Finally, based on the findings of this study, an effective marketing strategy should be developed for increasing the number of spectators of Korean professional baseball teams.
Key Words
프로야구, 관중 규모, 추이, Korean professional baseball, The number of spectators, Trends
Structural Relationship among Fear of Negative Evaluation, Cognitive State Anxiety, and Psychache in Professional Golfers 프로골프선수의 부정적 평가 두려움과 인지적 상태불안 및 심리적 극통의 구조적 관계
Structural Relationship among Fear of Negative Evaluation, Cognitive State Anxiety, and Psychache in Professional Golfers 프로골프선수의 부정적 평가 두려움과 인지적 상태불안 및 심리적 극통의 구조적 관계
안효연 Ahn Hyo-yeon , 소영호 So Young-ho
The purpose of this study was to investigate the structural relationship among fear of negative evaluation, cognitive state anxiety, and psychache in professional golfers. The subjects of this study were 216 professional golfers. Participants completed a series of questionnaires on the fear of negative evaluation, cognitive state anxiety, and psychache. Structural equation model analysis were were conducted using AMOS 22.0 to analyze the collected data, and the results are as follows. First, the fear of negative evaluation has a positive (+) influence on the psychache. Second, the fear of negative evaluation has a positive (+) influence on the cognitive state anxiety. Third, the cognitive state anxiety has a positive (+) influence on the psychache. Fourth, cognitive state anxiety was found to partially mediate the relationship between the relationship between fear of negative evaluation and psychache. These results indicate that increases psychache and cognitive state anxiety through fear of negative evaluation in professional golfers, and the increases their psychache through of cognitive state anxiety. Moreover, mean that fear of negative evaluation had an indirect effect on psychache through the cognitive state anxiety as a mediating variable. And the implications of the research and suggestions for future research were discussed.
Key Words
부정적 평가 두려움, 인지적 상태불안, 심리적 극통, 매개효과, 프로골프선수, Fear of negative evaluation, Cognitive state anxiety, Psychache, Mediation effect, Professional golfer
The Impact of Novelty Seeking on Leisure Boredom and the Mediating Effect of Leisure Diversity among Baby Boomers: An Analysis by Group based on Economic Activity Status 베이비붐 세대의 신기성 추구가 여가권태에 미치는 영향과 여가 다양성의 매개효과: 경제활동 여부에 따른 집단별 분석
The Impact of Novelty Seeking on Leisure Boredom and the Mediating Effect of Leisure Diversity among Baby Boomers: An Analysis by Group based on Economic Activity Status 베이비붐 세대의 신기성 추구가 여가권태에 미치는 영향과 여가 다양성의 매개효과: 경제활동 여부에 따른 집단별 분석
임영신 Lim Youngshin , 김매이 Kim May
This study aims to examine the effects of novelty seeking on leisure diversity and leisure boredom among the Baby Boomer generation and to explore whether the mediating role of leisure diversity in the relationship between novelty seeking and leisure boredom differs between economically active and economically inactive groups. An online survey was conducted in January 2024, targeting Baby Boomers residing in Seoul, Incheon, and Gyeonggi Province. A total of 452 valid responses were used for analysis, with the sample divided into the economically active group (n=255) and the economically inactive group (n=200). Direct and indirect effects between variables were tested using PROCESS Macro Model 4. The results indicate that novelty seeking influences leisure diversity in both groups. However, the impact of leisure diversity on leisure boredom was significant only in the economically active group. In this group, leisure diversity fully mediated the relationship between novelty seeking and leisure boredom while only the direct effect of novelty seeking on leisure boredom was significant in the economically inactive group. This study highlights that the desire for novelty among Baby Boomers can influence participation in diverse leisure activities and reduce leisure boredom, with the relationship varying depending on economic activity status.
The Effects of a Motion Recognition-Based Physical Activity Program on Motor Performance in Children with Developmental Disabilities 동작인식 기반의 신체활동 프로그램이 발달장애 아동의 대근운동발달에 미치는 영향
The Effects of a Motion Recognition-Based Physical Activity Program on Motor Performance in Children with Developmental Disabilities 동작인식 기반의 신체활동 프로그램이 발달장애 아동의 대근운동발달에 미치는 영향
이규진 Kyujin Lee
This study was conducted to analyze the impact of a physical activity program based on a motion recognition system on the motor performance of children with developmental disabilities. The study subjects were 10 children in the 1st and 2nd grades of elementary school, residing in Gyeonggi and Busan, South Korea. The TGMD-3 (Test of Gross Motor Development, 3rd Edition) tool was used to evaluate the children’s motor performance. To verify the program's effectiveness, Wilcoxon signed-rank test and paired t-test were applied. The results showed significant improvements in Run, Gallop, Hop, and Horizontal Slide skills in the Locomotor domain, as well as significant improvements in One-hand stationary dribble and Overhand throw skills in the Ball Skills domain. Furthermore, significant changes were observed in the total scores for the Locomotor and Ball Skills subtests, as well as in the overall TGMD-3 score. These findings suggest that the physical activity program based on the motion recognition system effectively enhances the motor performance of children with developmental disabilities, and can serve as valuable foundational data for developing future exercise intervention programs for these children.
Key Words
운동 중재, 대근육 발달, 맞춤형 신체활동 프로그램, Exercise Intervention, Gross Motor Development, Adapted Physical Activity Program
Comparison of Energy Deficiency, Menstrual Disorder, Bone Mineral Density, and Physical Fitness among Female Athletes, Dancers, and General College Students 여성 운동선수, 무용수 및 일반대학생 간 에너지 결핍, 월경장애, 골밀도 및 건강체력의 비교
이승연 Lee Seung-yeon , 최고은 Choi Ko-eun , 이만균 Lee Man-gyoon
Comparison of Energy Deficiency, Menstrual Disorder, Bone Mineral Density, and Physical Fitness among Female Athletes, Dancers, and General College Students 여성 운동선수, 무용수 및 일반대학생 간 에너지 결핍, 월경장애, 골밀도 및 건강체력의 비교
이승연 Lee Seung-yeon , 최고은 Choi Ko-eun , 이만균 Lee Man-gyoon
The purpose of this study was to compare energy deficiency, menstrual disorders, bone mineral density (BMD), and physical fitness among female athletes (n=21), dancers (n=20), and general college students (GCS; n=19), aged 20s. Differences among three groups were analyzed using an one-way ANOVA. Main results were as follows: 1) While BMI of athletes was similar to GCS, athletes had significantly lower percent body fat than GCS. Dancers had significantly lower BMI and percent body fat than other two groups. 2) Exercise volume of athletes and dancers was significantly higher than GCS, while dancers had significantly lower daily dietary intake than other two groups. 3) Athletes had a significantly higher BMD T-score than other two groups, and GCS had a significantly lower BMD Z-score than dancers. 4) Athletes had significantly higher sit-up and VO2max than other two groups, while dancers had significantly higher grip strength and sit-and-reach than other two groups. 5) There were significant positive correlations between BMD and both sit-ups and VO2max. It was concluded that maintaining an appropriate body weight, regular physical activity, and a high level of physical fitness would prevent menstrual disorders and a reduction of bone mineral density in female athletes and dancers, aged 20s.
Key Words
여성 운동선수 삼징후, 에너지 결핍, 식이장애, 월경장애, 골밀도, Female athlete triad, Energy deficiency, Eating disorder, Menstrual disorder, Bone mineral density
Analyzing Research Trends in the Journal of Korean Society of Sport Policy by Applying Topic Modeling 토픽 모델링을 적용한 한국체육정책학회지 연구동향 분석
김민재 Kim Min-jae , 최윤석 Choi Yun-seok , 조혜수 Cho Hye-soo
Analyzing Research Trends in the Journal of Korean Society of Sport Policy by Applying Topic Modeling 토픽 모델링을 적용한 한국체육정책학회지 연구동향 분석
김민재 Kim Min-jae , 최윤석 Choi Yun-seok , 조혜수 Cho Hye-soo
This study aims to identify key areas of inquiry and identify the trends in sport policy research by applying topic modeling to analyze the national titles of articles published in the Journal of Korean Society of Sport Policy. For this purpose, 710 articles with Korean titles published in the Journal of Korean Society of Sport Policy were collected from the Korea Citation Index (KCI) and the Research Information Service (RISS). To analyze the data, we conducted frequency analysis, topic modeling analysis, and correlation analysis. The conclusions are as follows. First, the main areas of inquiry in the Journal of Korean Society of Sport Policy were ‘Student Athletes’, ‘Sports for all’, ‘School Sports’, ‘Sports Business’, ‘Domestic Sports Events’, ‘Professional Sports’, ‘Sports Facilities’, ‘Sports Heritage and Overseas Cases’, and ‘Impact of Sports Participation’. Second, the keywords ‘physical education’, ‘plan’, ‘sport’, ‘policy’, ‘research’, ‘analysis’, ‘school’, ‘improvement’, ‘operation’, and ‘athlete’ were found to be highly frequent in the Korean titles, confirming that research on ways to improve the quality of policy has been mainly conducted in the Journal of Korean Society of Sport Policy. Third, the correlation between year and topic share showed that the number of studies related to ‘professional sports’, ‘sports heritage and overseas cases’ has been increasing, while the number of studies related to ‘impact of sports participation’ has been gradually decreasing.
Key Words
토픽 모델링, 스포츠정책, 연구동향, 한국체육정책학회지, Topic Modeling, Sport Policy, Research Trends, Journal of Korean Society of Sport Policy
Exploratory Study on the meaning of Leisure Time Walking Activities of Visually Impaired People and Their Perception of Leisure Space: Focusing on Namsan Park 시각장애인의 여가시간 걷기활동 참여의미와 여가공간 인식에 대한 탐색적 연구: 남산공원을 중심으로
윤지인 Yoon Jee In , 김은서 Kim Eunseo , 이창미 Lee Chang Mi
Exploratory Study on the meaning of Leisure Time Walking Activities of Visually Impaired People and Their Perception of Leisure Space: Focusing on Namsan Park 시각장애인의 여가시간 걷기활동 참여의미와 여가공간 인식에 대한 탐색적 연구: 남산공원을 중심으로
윤지인 Yoon Jee In , 김은서 Kim Eunseo , 이창미 Lee Chang Mi
This study explores the meaning of participation in leisure walking activities among visually impaired people who visited Namsan Park and how they perceive the leisure space ‘Namsan Park’. To this end, in-depth interviews were conducted with nine visually impaired people who visited Namsan Park and participated in walking activities. Phenomenological data analysis resulted in six subcategories for two research topics. First, the meaning of participation in walking activities for visually impaired people was revealed to be ‘health promotion,’ ‘interaction with others,’ and ‘positive emotional experience.’ Visually impaired people thought participating in walking activities was very meaningful in promoting physical and mental health, and they accepted it as a social interaction. They also experienced positive emotional experiences of joy and happiness through walking activities. Second, visually impaired people perceived Namsan Park as a ‘free space’ where they could participate in the leisure activity of walking, ‘a place to commune with nature,’ and ‘a space to escape from city noise.’ Because there is a severe lack of leisure space for the visually impaired in the city, the Namsan Park Circular Road was perceived by the visually impaired as a leisure space where they could feel freedom while feeling nature away from the noise of the city. The significance of this study lies in interpreting the meaning of the leisure activity of walking for the visually impaired and understanding the spatial meaning necessary for creating leisure space for the visually impaired.
Key Words
남산공원, 시각장애인, 걷기, 여가, Namsan park, Visually impaired, Walking, leisure
Impact of Emotional Labor on Job Burnout, Job Satisfaction and Performance for Fitness Employees 휘트니스 업무종사자의 감정노동이 직무소진, 직무만족 및 성과에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of emotional labor on job burnout, job satisfaction, and job performance among fitness professionals, and to investigate the relationships among these variables. A preliminary survey was conducted from April 20 to June 1, 2023, targeting 119 fitness professionals working in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Gyeongsangnam-do, and Gyeongsangbuk-do regions, to ensure validity and reliability. Following this, a main survey was conducted with 221 valid samples of fitness club employees, utilizing frequency analysis, correlation analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling, path analysis, and hypothesis testing. The results of the study were as follows : First, surface acting as a form of emotional labor was found to have a positive significant effect on emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, whereas deep acting was found to have a negative significant effect on emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and diminished personal accomplishment. Second, surface acting was negatively associated with job satisfaction. deep acting had a positive significant impact on job satisfaction. Third, diminished personal accomplishment, a component of job burnout, was negatively associated with job satisfaction. emotional exhaustion and depersonalization were positively associated with job performance, whereas diminished personal accomplishment was negatively associated with job performance. Fourth, job satisfaction was positively associated with job performance.
Exercise Effects in Children with Developmental Disability: Meta-analysis of Domestic Studies 발달장애 아동의 운동 효과에 대한 메타분석: 국내연구 중심으로
고진우 Ko Jin-woo , 전선혜 Jun Sun-hey
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of meta-analysis on studies that reported the exercise effects of school-age children with developmental disabilities published from 2000 to October 2023. A total of 29 papers (26 academic journals and 3 doctoral dissertations) were selected for meta-analysis by reviewing the relevance of the research topic. Physical function, cognitive function, and social emotion were examined as dependent variables, and the effect size was calculated by applying CMA version 4(Comprehensive Meta Analysis ver 4.0). In a total of 29 papers, 36 effect sizes were used, and the results of the study are as follows. First, the overall effect size on the exercise effect of children with developmental disabilities showed a large effect size. Second, there was a large effect size in all types of disabilities such as autism, intellectual disability, developmental disability, and ADHD. Third, in each dependent variable area, physical function showed a large effect size, and cognitive function and social emotion showed a medium effect size. Therefore, this study found that the exercise of children with developmental disabilities has different effects on physical function, cognitive function, and social emotion, but is effective, and based on this, it is expected to be used as basic data for subsequent studies such as the development of exercise programs and application in the field.
Key Words
운동, 발달장애 아동, 메타분석, 운동 효과, Exercise, Children with developmental disability, Meta-analysis, Exercise effect
Policy for Retired Players Job Opportunity Expanding in Sports Safety Management 은퇴선수의 스포츠안전 분야 일자리 확대 방안
Policy for Retired Players Job Opportunity Expanding in Sports Safety Management 은퇴선수의 스포츠안전 분야 일자리 확대 방안
안을섭 An Eulseob , 고재곤 Ko Jaegon
This study aims to comprehensively present new job expansion measures through a convergent approach in the field of sports safety, focusing on the employment creation possibilities for retired athletes as part of improving welfare for sports personnel. The research method mainly involved a literature review, examining the retirement preparation and career status of sports personnel, domestic and international support cases for retired athletes, and job policies related to retired athletes. Based on these findings, the new job expansion measures are as follows. First, Establish comprehensive measures for the training of professional personnel and job creation for retired athletes. Second, Install sports safety-related departments in universities and promote an environment for career preparation for student-athletes. Third, Expand and reorganize the national sports instructor qualification process. Fourth, Practical detailed measures include recognizing the skilled job capabilities of retired athletes and hiring them through the acknowledgment of educational courses. Formulate a system to increase the hiring ratio of professional personnel from retired athletes through the enactment of laws and local government ordinances related to retired athlete support. Discover new duties and new jobs in the sports safety field to create a safe environment and utilize retired athletes, thus presenting the sports industry’s growth and the government’s job creation policy.
Key Words
체육인, 은퇴선수, 은퇴 준비 및 진로, 스포츠 안전관리, 체육시설, 체육 분야 일자리, Sports personnel, Retired athlete, Retirement preparation and career, Sports safety management, Sports facilities, Jobs in the sports field
Trends in Sports Injury Research: Domestic Studies and Future Directions through Latent Dirichlet Allocation Analysis 스포츠 부상 연구 동향: Latent Dirichlet Allocation 분석을 통한 국내 연구와 향후 과제
Trends in Sports Injury Research: Domestic Studies and Future Directions through Latent Dirichlet Allocation Analysis 스포츠 부상 연구 동향: Latent Dirichlet Allocation 분석을 통한 국내 연구와 향후 과제
최나영 Choi Na Young , 소위영 So Wi-young
Sports injuries that occur during physical activity considerably affect athletes and participants in recreational sports. Injuries cause not only physical harm, but also psychological stress, decreased performance, and long-term health issues, resulting in economic burdens for both individuals and society. Therefore, sports safety management and injury prevention have become crucial research topics in recent years. This study aimed to analyze research trends in sports injuries in the Republic of Korea and propose future research directions and tasks. Papers related to sports injuries were collected from major domestic academic databases. The latent dirichlet allocation method, which is a type of topic modeling, was used to derive the main research topics. The analysis revealed four major topics: sports safety and post-incident measures; types and prevention of sports injuries; psychological rehabilitation of athletes; and sports performance and rehabilitation training. The results of this study were as follows: First, research on sports safety and post-incident measures is actively being conducted, highlighting the importance of strengthening the safety of sports facilities through legal and institutional arrangements, and providing financial protection against injuries through sports insurance. Second, research related to the types and prevention of sports injuries addresses specific injury types, prevention, and treatment methods, with a focus on recovery through systematic training programs. Third, research on the psychological rehabilitation of athletes has explored the psychological impact, burden, and recovery from injuries during the rehabilitation process. Based on these findings, this study suggests policy recommendations including the expansion of sports safety education programs, the need for research on sports injury prevention and rehabilitation using advanced technology, and the enhancement of psychological support for recreational sports participants. This study provides valuable information to sports scientists, policymakers, and practitioners, contributing to practical improvements in sports injury prevention and management.
Key Words
스포츠 부상, 연구 동향, 부상 예방, 재활, 스포츠 안전, 토픽모델링, Sports injuries, research trends, injury prevention, rehabilitation, sports safety, topic modeling
Reconceptualization and Prioritization Analysis of 6P Checklists for Sports Event Safety Management 스포츠이벤트 안전관리 체크리스트 6P 재구성 및 우선순위 분석
Reconceptualization and Prioritization Analysis of 6P Checklists for Sports Event Safety Management 스포츠이벤트 안전관리 체크리스트 6P 재구성 및 우선순위 분석
류민아 Ryu Min-ah , 이섬균 Lee Seomgyun
To strengthen the safety of sporting events, this research reconceptualized the existing 4P checklists for sports event safety management and conducted an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) with an expert group comprising safety supervisors and administrators. Based on a comprehensive literature review and the Delphi method, we proposed a novel framework (6P checklists for sports event safety management), which includes plan, product, people, and place, as well as newly introduced elements: public education and relations and public communication. Additionally, AHP analysis revealed differences in top priorities within the 6P checklists between safety supervisors and administrators. Specifically, safety supervisors ranked plan and place as top priorities, whereas safety administrators emphasized the importance of public communication and real-time response. We call for sports practitioners to pay greater attention to the possible applications of the newly proposed 6P checklists and to a more detailed division of roles between safety supervisors and administrators. Our study’s results also underlined the significance of public education and communication, as well as the necessity of a real-time communication network for ensuring a safe environment at sporting events.
A Time Series Analysis of Changes in Media Coverage on Sports Safety Issues 언론에 나타난 스포츠 안전 이슈 변화에 대한 시계열적 탐색
조기희 Jo Ki-hee , 이의재 Lee Eui-jae , 이승만 Lee Seung-man
This study aims to explore in time series changes in sports safety issues reported in the media through keyword network analysis. To achieve this, we extracted data from 3,201 news articles covering sports safety issues and 12,805 keywords from a news big data analysis platform, spanning from April 2005 to March 2024. Using the collected data, we conducted a keyword network analysis to identify media issues related to sports safety. We divided the time frame into two periods (Period 1: April 2005-March 2014; Period 2: May 2014-March 2024) to perform a time series analysis and observe changes in key issues. For data processing, we calculated a keyword co-occurrence matrix and performed centrality analysis using the NetMiner software. We also conducted CONCOR analysis to explore clustering patterns within each period and visualized the findings. Our analysis revealed the following results. First, in Period 1, the focus was primarily on post-accident measures in seasonal and leisure sports. However, in Period 2, emphasis shifted towards preventive measures, such as facility inspections and strengthened safety education by organizations like the Korea Sports Safety Foundation and the Korean Sport & Olympic Committee. Second, the CONCOR analysis identified four clusters in Period 1: ‘leisure sports facility safety,’ ‘school and physical education safety,’ ‘winter sports accident campaigns,’ and ‘Olympic ski venue and equipment safety.’ In contrast, the clusters in Period 2 included 'youth safety education projects for sports facilities,’ ‘child water safety,’ ‘sports facility and institution safety,’ and ‘establishing a culture of safety and preventive education.’ As a result derived from this study, it was confirmed that there was an impressive change in media coverage of sports safety as of 2014. We conclude that the sports field should also recognize safety as a priority value.
Key Words
스포츠 안전, 언론 이슈 변화, 시계열적 분석, 키워드 네트워크, 군집화 분석, Sports Safety, Media Issue Changes, Time-Series Analysis, Keyword Network, Clustering Analysis
Multidimensional Approach to Sports Safety Education: Focusing on Ecological Systems Theory 스포츠 안전교육에 대한 다차원적 접근: 생태체계이론을 중심으로
Multidimensional Approach to Sports Safety Education: Focusing on Ecological Systems Theory 스포츠 안전교육에 대한 다차원적 접근: 생태체계이론을 중심으로
박승일 Park Seungil , 엄철호 Eom Chulho
This study applied ecological systems theory to examine various environmental factors surrounding sports safety education. To achieve the objectives of the study, the five dimensions of Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory were utilized to examine the environmental factors of sports safety education in a multidimensional approach. The research method was qualitative content analysis, and 147 sports safety-related studies that met the research criteria were selected for content analysis. The results of the study showed that the ecological system factors of sports safety education are as follows. In the micro-system, the key factors are education, teaching methods, and programs while in the meso-system emphasizes safety management of sports facilities and linkages with local communities. The exosystem emphasized the significance of policies and laws related to sports safety, while the macrosystem showed the impact of social values and cultural norms associated with to sports safety. The chronosystem described the need for a continuum of education that considers the various stages of the life cycle. Furthermore, it was found that sustainable sports safety education through ecological systems theory can provide a more systematic and sustainable educational environment through a comprehensive approach that considers the interaction of various factors such as individuals, schools, communities, policies, and social values.
Key Words
스포츠 안전, 스포츠 안전교육, 지속가능한 교육, 생태체계이론, 질적 내용 분석, sports safety, sports safety education, sustainable education, ecological systems theory, qualitative content analysis
Exploration of Risk Factors for Sequelae of Injuries among Recreational Sports Participants and Application of a Nomogram 생활체육 참여자의 부상 후유증에 대한 위험 요인 탐색 및 노모그램의 적용
이형찬 Hyeong-chan Lee , 이재훈 Jae-hoon Lee , 오유성 Yoo-sung Oh
Exploration of Risk Factors for Sequelae of Injuries among Recreational Sports Participants and Application of a Nomogram 생활체육 참여자의 부상 후유증에 대한 위험 요인 탐색 및 노모그램의 적용
이형찬 Hyeong-chan Lee , 이재훈 Jae-hoon Lee , 오유성 Yoo-sung Oh
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify risk factors for post-injury sequelae among recreational athletes and, based on these findings, to present a nomogram for the prevention of sequelae. Methods: This study utilized data from recreational athletes in the 2019 Sports Injury Survey, randomly dividing the final sample of 7,527 participants into training data (70%) and validation data (30%) to assess the validity of the predictive model. Through a literature review, 16 variables were selected. To determine whether these risk factors differed between the sequelae occurrence group and the non-occurrence group, t-tests or chi-square tests were conducted. Subsequently, logistic regression analysis was performed. Based on the identified risk factors, a nomogram was developed. The model’s performance was assessed using the Area Under the Curve (AUC), the Hosmer-Lemeshow test, and the Calibration plot. Results: Pre-Exercise Condition, Exercise Frequency, Injury Severity, Injuries Frequency, Recovery Period, and gender were identified as risk factors for post-injury sequelae among recreational athletes. The model was considered valid with an AUC of 0.78 (95% CI: 0.76-0.79) for the training data and 0.80 (95% CI: 0.77-0.82) for the validation data. The Hosmer-Lemeshow test also showed adequate accuracy(p=0.622), and the Calibration plot indicated a high level of agreement between the predicted and actual probabilities of injury sequelae. Conclusions: The nomogram developed in this study can predict injury sequelae in recreational athletes. Monitoring and managing risk factors are crucial for preventing the sequelae.
Analyzing the Importance and Performance of Safety Training for Special Education Teachers Using IPA Analysis IPA(Importance Performance Analysis) 분석을 활용한 특수교사의 안전교육에 대한 중요도 및 수행도 분석
Analyzing the Importance and Performance of Safety Training for Special Education Teachers Using IPA Analysis IPA(Importance Performance Analysis) 분석을 활용한 특수교사의 안전교육에 대한 중요도 및 수행도 분석
이재원 Jae Won Lee
The purpose of this study was to analyze the difference in perceptions between the importance and performance of special school teachers on the seven standards of school safety education notified by the Ministry of Education, and to derive measures to internalize safety education in special schools. To this end, 400 special school teachers and pre-special school teachers were surveyed and analyzed for their perceptions, and the results of the study are as follows. First, special education teachers' perceptions of the seven standards for school safety education showed that there was a significant difference between the importance and performance of all seven areas of safety education, and the performance was lower than the importance in all areas. All 52 sub-items in the seven areas of the Seven Standards for School Safety Education showed a significant difference between importance and performance, and special education teachers perceived that performance was low compared to importance in all areas. Second, the IPA Matrix analysis of school safety education according to special education teachers' perceptions showed that the areas that need priority support are 'traffic safety' and 'disaster safety', and the areas that need long-term improvement are 'life safety' and 'occupational safety'. In addition, the IPA Matrix analysis of each item showed that the items that need priority support include 7 items in the 'traffic safety' area, 2 items in the 'violence and personal safety' area, and 3 items in the 'disaster safety' area, for a total of 12 items that need priority support. Long-term improvement needs include three items in the “Life Safety” category, three items in the “Drug and Cyber Addiction” category, and nine items in the “Occupational Safety” category, for a total of 15 items in need of long-term improvement.